Child Care Services
Taree & Districts Inc.

Contact us: 0265525088 or Out of hours number 0429968568
Parenting Support Program
Helping parents raise confident and happy children
Child Care Services Taree & Districts Inc. Parenting Support Program is a free service available to all parents, grandparents and carers in the Taree, Forster and Gloucester areas.
Parenthood can be extremely rewarding, enlightening and enjoyable, however it can also be demanding, frustrating and exhausting.
Parents have the role of raising the next generation yet moist parents begin with little preparation and learn through trial and error.
All parents want to raise confident, happy children and it takes a lot of understanding to build strong positive relationships with their children.
These programs are designed to give flexible delivery to meet the individual needs of every family.
Bringing up great kids
Bringing up great kids has been especially designed for the busy parent presented in weekly sessions over six weeks. Bringing up great kids is a fun program that focuses on how parents communicate with their children and building good relationships with children. It offers opportunities for parents to learn about how their children understand and use messages they receive from their parents. The program gives the parent a chance to walk in their children’s shoes. Bringing Up Great Kids was developed for parents with children 10 years and under. Bringing Up Great Kids has been developed by the Australian Children’s Foundation.
Positive Parenting Program - Triple P
Triple P is presented in weekly sessions over 8 weeks. 6 weeks face to face and 2 weeks phone support.
Triple P aims to make parenting easier by offering ideas and suggestions on positive parenting methods to help parents enjoy being a parent and assist children’s development.
It is up to each parent to decide what values and skills they would like their children to have and how they will teach them.
Triple P has been helpful to many parents in giving useful ideas and strategies to deal with behaviour and to help parents meet the challenges of raising children.
Triple P is an initiative of Parenting and Family Support Centre at The University of Queensland.
Circle of Security
Circle of Security is a DVD parent education program offering the core components of the evidence based and internationally acclaimed Circle of Security protocol.
The program presents video examples of:
Secure and problematic parent / child interactions
Healthy options in caregiving
Graphics to clarify Circle of Security principles
Circle of Security parenting implements decades of attachment research in an accessible step by step process for use in group or individual one on one sessions.
To book into one of our parenting groups or for more information
For more information or to book into one of these parenting support groups, please click the link above or call us on 0265525088

The Parenting Support Team